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iTelescope - T12 - Wide Field


Observatory: Siding Spring - Australia - MPC Q62

(TEL T12 0.1m f/5.0 Astrograph + CCD)

Hosting by iTelescope.Net

UTC +10:00 New South Wales, Australia Daylight savings time is observed.

Minimum Target Elevation: Approx 30-35° Eastern & 35 - 40° Western horizons.

South 31° 16' 24" East 149° 03' 52" Elevation: 1165m

Operational Notes

Very Wide Field Telescope. Typically used for Wide Field RGB / Narrowband Imaging. FITS and TIF file formats. Dark Frame calibration data is available for 60, 120, 180, 300, 600 second exposures. Binx1 - Binx2.

IMPORTANT NOTES: T12 is externally Guided: Please limit sub-exposure times to 300 seconds or less for best results.

Instrument Package

  • CCD: SBIG STL-11000M
  • QE: 50% Peak
  • Full Well: ~50,000e- Anti Blooming Gate (ABG)
  • Dark Current: 0.5 e-/pixel/sec. @ 0º C
  • Pixel Size: 9um Square
  • Resolution: 3.5 arc-secs/pixel
  • Sensor: Frontlit
  • Cooling: -20ºC Winter -15ºC Summer
  • Array: 4008 by 2672 (10.7 Mega pixels)
  • FOV: 155.8 x 233.7 arc-mins
  • Filters: Lum, Red, Green, Blue, Ha, SII, OIII
  • Position Angle: 003º

Telescope Optics

  • OTA: Takahashi FSQ ED*
  • Optical Design: Petzval Apochromat Astrograph
  • Aperture: 106mm (0.1 metre)
  • Focal Length: 530mm (0.53 metre)
  • F/Ratio: f/5.0
  • Guiding: Internal
  • Mount: Paramount PME