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iTelescope - T11 - Deep Space
iTelescope - T11 - Deep Space


Observatory: Mayhill, New Mexico (New Mexico Skies) - MPC H06

(TEL T11 0.50-m f/6.8 astrograph + CCD + f/4.5 focal reducer)

UTC Minus 7:00. Daylight savings time is observed

Minimum Target Elevation: Approx 15-20 Degrees

N 32° 54’ Decimal: 32.9 North

W 105° 31’ Decimal: 105.5 West

Elevation: 2,225 metres (7,298 ft)

Operational Notes

Deep Field. Hybrid Missions. Typically used for Photometry and Imaging. FITS and TIF file formats. Dark Frame calibration data is available for 60, 120, 180, 300, 600 second exposures. Binx1 - Binx2.

T11 is fitted with a 0.66 Focal reducer.

The Planewave Ascension 200HR mount is so accurate whilst tracking that iTelescope Admin have disabled active guidance, with a corresponding decrease in session setup time when imaging.

T11 is a DEEP field telescope and its mission can be both an excellent imaging platform or do powerful science with photometrics. T11 is a major photon hunting science machine on the iTelescope network. This instrument can deliver pin-sharp images during 300-600 second unguided exposures, reaching magnitudes as low as 21.5 without too much effort.

Instrument Package

  • CCD: FLI ProLine PL11002M CCD camera
  • QE: 51% Peak
  • Full Well: ~60,000e- Anti Blooming Gate (ABG)
  • Dark Current: <.03 e-/pixel/sec. @ -35º C
  • Pixel Size: 9um Square
  • Resolution: 0.81 arc-secs/pixel
  • Sensor: Frontlit
  • Cooling: Set to -30ºC default
  • Array: 4008 by 2672 (10.7 Megapixels)
  • FOV: 36.2 x 54.3 arc-mins
  • Filters: AstroDon - Luminance, Red, Green, Blue. 3nm Ha3_50R, Sii3_50R, Oiii_50R. U, B, V, R, I
  • Position Angle: 271º

Telescope Optics

  • OTA: Planewave 20" (0.51m) CDK
  • Optical Design: Corrected Dall-Kirkham Astrograph
  • Aperture: 510mm
  • Focal Length: 2280mm (0.66 Focal Reducer Fitted)
  • F/Ratio: f/4.5
  • Guiding: Active Guiding Disabled
  • Mount: Planewave Ascension 200HR

T11 Transformation Coefficients

  • Tub= 1.086 ; standard deviation=.009
  • Tbv= 1.106 ; standard deviation= .018
  • Tvr= 1.057 ; standard deviation= .017
  • Tri= 0.933 ; standard deviation= .006
  • Tu= 0.103 ; standard deviation= .014
  • Tb= 0.017 ; standard deviation= .006
  • Tv= -0.133 ; standard deviation= .010
  • Tr= -0.211 ; standard deviation= .019

These use the definitions as follows with lower case being instrument magnitudes and upper case being reference magnitudes of NGC 7790 from Arne Henden at http://binaries.boulder.swri.edu/fields/ngc7790.html

  • Tu= slope of (U-u)/(U-B)
  • Tb= slope of (B-b)/(B-V)
  • Tv= slope of (V-v)/(V-R)
  • Tr= slope of (R-r)/(R-I)
  • Tij=1 / slope of (i-j)/(I-J)