Business Intelligence

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Business Intelligence Defined

Business Intelligence: Business Intelligence is one of four cornerstones of Workforce Management: Forecasting (F), Scheduling (S), Real-Time Activity (RTA) and Business Intelligence (BI).

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Real-Time Business Intelligence

Operating call centers requires a series of views into data. Any call center operation generates massive amounts of data, and harnessing this data allows a company to better understand their customers, products, processes, and operational performance.

I have traditionally viewed leveraging data for contact center operations to be delivered by a "reporting" or "business intelligence team" in three categories:

Historical Data Reports; A report designed to be "standard" - consistent look and feel each time it is run, telling you a story about data for a time dimension in the past.

Real-Time Data Reports; A report designed to be "standard" - consistent look and feel each time it is run, telling you a story about data for a time dimension represent "now".

Ad-Hoc Data Reports; A customized report, allowing the user to select how fields and data will be displayed, either real-time or historical (historical more common).

Also to include Auditing WFM and WFM Support