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iTelescope - T20 - Wide Field
iTelescope - T20 - Wide Field


Observatory: Mayhill, New Mexico (New Mexico Skies) MPC = H06

(TEL T20 = 0.1-m f/5.0 astrograph + CCD)

UTC Minus 7:00. Daylight savings time is observed

Minimum Target Elevation: Approx 15-25 Degrees in East, West & South.

Very Limited to the North NE & NW due to observatory roof in roll back position. Approx 60 degrees Minimum Altitude.

N 32° 54’ Decimal: 32.9 North

W 105° 31’ Decimal: 105.5 West

Elevation: 2,225 metres (7,298 ft)

Operational Notes

Very Wide Field Telescope. Typically used for Wide Field RGB / Narrowband Imaging, but also carries a Photometric V filter. FITS and TIF file formats. Dark Frame calibration data is available for 60, 120, 180, 300, 600 second exposures. Binx1 - Binx2.

T20 is a great platform for wide angle imaging and can also do valuable science with its photometric V filter. This little Takahashi FSQ gets a lot of use from science users scanning for asteroids and working on variable stars, and nothing can match its very wide field portraits and its performance on the sky's larger extended objects such as large nebula, clusters, bright comets and even catching fast moving Near Earth Objects.

This system is included for use in the Demo Upgrade Package.

IMPORTANT NOTES: T20 is Externally Guided: Please limit sub-exposure times to 300 seconds or less for best results.

Instrument Package

  • CCD: SBIG STL-11000M
  • QE: 50% Peak
  • Full Well: ~50,000e- Anti Blooming Gate (ABG)
  • Dark Current: 0.5 e-/pixel/sec. @ 0º C
  • Pixel Size: 9um Square
  • Resolution: 3.5 arc-secs/pixel
  • Sensor: Frontlit
  • Cooling: Set to -15ºC default
  • Array: 4008 by 2672 (10.7 Mega pixels)
  • FOV: 155.8 x 233.7 arc-mins
  • Filters: LRGB, Ha, SII & OIII and V
  • Position Angle: 090º

Telescope Optics

  • OTA: Takahashi FSQ-ED
  • Optical Design: Petzval Apochromat Astrograph
  • Aperture: 106mm (0.1 metre)
  • Focal Length: 530mm (0.53 metre)
  • F/Ratio: f/5.0
  • Guiding: External
  • Mount: Paramount PME